It’s January first and I just finished my first two workouts of the New Year! I opted for P90X3 Triometrics & Asylum 2 Ab Shredder since I’ll be in a bikini in about 2 weeks. Let me tell you, those two workouts burned in ALL the right places.  I put together a montage a few days ago of some of the highlights of my 2013 Beachbody experience.  Honestly, I started off the year saying I was going to “take it by the balls” and I well…I did! This year, I’m not so sure I want to go as hard and although I’ve set some goals, I am much more focused on helping OTHERS get to where I’ve gotten thus far. I feel an urgency to really change some lives this year but as I looked through my photos from last year, I couldn’t help but smile.  I used to do 365 photo projects but I take more than one photo a day with my current career choice, so I had plenty of memories to look through.  Of course, I used our favorite songs from the Soundtrack of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty because it’s exactly how I feel about life in general.  What Walter goes through in that movie, realizing that he had let so much time pass and never did what he wanted to do is exactly what I set out to avoid 3 years ago when I signed up as a coach.  Get out of the grind of going to work, collecting a paycheck and building someone else dream. Someones ELSE’S vision. I wanted my own.  I am a huge fan of montages. I used to make them all the time  when I was in film school. I think I may start doing that in 2014.  Got 8 minutes? Watch below:



Some really big accomplishments for me in 2013 were retiring my husband from his retail job, taking him on 3 vacations (2 all inclusive & paid for my Beachbody) as well as making my first 6-figures working from home.  I want to talk about those two goals because although I had set out to do that and made it happen, it took me almost three years to do! When I first signed up as a coach of January 2011 my only goal was to get in good shape. I had no desire to be a ‘coach’ – I was in multimedia school, I wanted to work on movies, I never considered myself a “people person” but through fitness I discovered what was hiding underneath all these years.  So, 3 months later when I decided to start actively working my business I had ONE goal: quit my waitressing job. In 2012 I was able to do that (after 11/mo) I replaced a 70K year salary working very part time from home (maybe 30 min-1 hour a day.) Once that was done, I set a new goal: RETIRE MY HUSBAND. A year later (this year) I checked that off the list.  I basically bought him out from his job. We weren’t “rich” by any means but we were making just enough to get by with both of us home helping people every day, side by side (what a dream come true!) By setting big goals and just really focusing on them I was able to build the team and business I have today.  I ensure you that anybody can do this but not many people have the patience, persistence and ability to see the big picture enough to see it out.  I want to encourage you to look at your life and think of what you want from your future.  Do you want to wake up one day and look in the mirror, 20 years older, your life gone by…and have nothing to show for it? Or do you want to do BIG THINGS? Think about it.



All I know is if I can do it, anybody can. One of the reasons I ever decided to drop out of school (8 years-no degree) and pursue this was because I had an epiphany one day.  I realized, that I am racking up thousands and thousands of dollars in debt (currently 40K) to pursue a career that will allow me to EVENTUALLY make six figures (maybe by the time I’m in my 40’s) and actually enjoy. Having a j.o.b where I made “good money” and could be creative was very important to me.  However, after hearing the success stories to come out of this company I realized that if I had the TIME, FREEDOM and INCOME I could do whatever I wanted. I could revisit what I actually wanted to do since I discovered photography.  I realized that I don’t NEED a degree to do the one thing I had actually always wanted to do but totally forgot about because I had always been told “that’s not a real job.” That was to travel all over the world, taking photos.  One day, I had an epiphany! I realized that if I really put my ALL into coaching that I could be making six figures before I was 30 and possibly my first million in my early 30’s! I was 26 when I started my coaching business.  So, I got to work and here I am 28 years old and was just recognized in the company for tripling my income in 3 years and making my first 6-figures.  I am on my way to hitting my BIG (5-6 year goal) which is a millionaire by 30.  If I had sat in school and just continued to rack up debt in the pursuit of my “dream job” I would’ve never seen it right under my nose this whole time. I’m just grateful that the universe conspired to help me see the HUGE FREAKING DOOR that was opening for me.  I introduce this opportunity to hundreds of people a year and only a few sign up.  Out of those, maybe 10% actually go for it.  That’s a very small number and honestly, it makes me very sad!  My only hope is that more and more young men and women realize that they can do this too. That’s part of my WHY POWER, to really pay this forward. I highly suggest reading the book The Slight Edge. It’s what really helped me realize that the ONLY reason I never pursued my dreams was because I was told “no” over and over again by adults that had no idea what THE HELL they were talking about. YOU know what’s best for YOU. So what now? What’s my goal for 2014? I have ONE focus. To pay off all my student loan and credit card debt and show others it can be done.  Further give the government the finger so I don’t owe anybody anything. I want to lead by example and pay it forward (do my job) and I will do just that! If you’re ready to make some big changes like I did those few years ago, email me at amysilvermanfitness@gmail & fill out this questionnaire. HAPPY NEW YEARS!
