Hiking Starway Trailhead, Oregon

Hiking Starway Trailhead, Oregon

 STARWAY TRAILHEAD JAN 5, 2014 Wow! Let’s just say today’s Starway Trailhead hike was a workout.  Worked my butt and hamstrings all the way up and my quads all the way down. It was a 9.8 (round trip) mile hike. I’d say about 5 of those miles were...
My Food Philospohy

My Food Philospohy

Let me first start by saying that I love to eat. I love all kinds of food and I will try anything. I was raised to never say that I do not like anything but to try it and I still believe that today. I have tried everything in the name of healthy eating, I have been...
My life on DRUGS

My life on DRUGS

Throwback Thursday: My life on drugs. Let’s talk about our past for a second. Let’s talk about the fact that is does not define you. That if it doesn’t kill you (where in my experience it almost did) it makes you stronger. I have to be gentle with...