The second I was presented with this opportunity I saw the universe opening a GIANT DOOR for me. Like a castle sized door. Red carpet. THE WORKS. The most biggest beautiful door I had ever seen. The universe plopped me down on a giant throne and threw something in my lap. It was invisible but oh so clear. It was my life yet to be designed. Slate swiped clean. I looked down to see what I believed to be the biggest opportunity I had ever been given or would ever be offered. I looked up to feel the energies that be and closed my eyes. I took deep breath and said “yes!” But when I said yes, I meant I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO MAKE YOU PROUD UNIVERSE because I knew I’d get ONE chance at this opportunity. One chance at this life time and I wasn’t going to just do it. I was going to do it RIGHT! I had been waiting for THIS since I was a child. It had finally arrived! I felt like a kid on Christmas morning.

I WAS GOING TO DO IT RIGHT! From then on, I worked my ass off to respect the gift I had been given. To do anything less would be disrespectful and a death sentence. A death sentence involving a mundane life. No passion. No purpose. No adventure. Just an empty shell of a girl waiting to die. I had one chance and I knew it. I felt that saying “no” or half assing such a gift would be closing the door on the universe and I would never be offered a chance at an extraordinary life again. So I ran for my life and I’m not slowing down.

Everything happens for a reason. You were brought to SYSOF because there is a bigger plan for you. The universe provided. Now it’s our turn to do the work on change YOUR LIFE. Through the hard days. The sad days. The happy days. There will always be an excuse but there will not always be time to change your life. Life goes by fast. Make it count. – is your extraordinary life calling you?

