Let me first start by saying that I love to eat. I love all kinds of food and I will try anything. I was raised to never say that I do not like anything but to try it and I still believe that today.

I have tried everything in the name of healthy eating, I have been vegan for an extended period of time, I have subscribed to the low carb diet, I have been Paleo. What I have learned through all of this and through all of the research I have done regarding these diets and healthy eating in general is that there is no one way to do it.

Everyone is different.

This is my food philosophy. Everybody’s body reacts to different foods differently. Personally, I used to suffer from terrible acne and through experimentation with my diet I have almost totally cured it. Because of my experiences I do not advocate any one diet, you have to try everything and make yourself the guinea pig. Add different foods to your diet and eliminate foods from your diet while tracking how you react to them and how your athletic performance is effected.

I will post recipes that I love on this site, I never sacrifice taste in order to be healthy, as I said before, I love food!

Try them and share them, and don’t forget the healthiest meal of the day: Shakeology, this has been my constant for the last 4 years.
