
Listen to the recording below


My Story: How does someone that has no business degree, no nutrition degree or any degree for that matter become a top coach in a $700MM company? How does a normal girl, who was an art major who dropped out of college to create a 6-figure income in less than 3 years working from home? The answer is I have a HUGE why & the PASSION to pursue my dreams no matter what.  Something that’s very important to me is helping people find their purpose in life.  I truly believe whole heartedly that this business opportunity is for everybody.  You hear coaches say all the time “this isn’t for everybody” but to me, it is.  I just think that people who don’t think it’s for them haven’t found a way to MAKE IT work for them.  I wont budge on that, sorry! I have some serious conviction and you should too!  I feel that health & fitness plus being of service to others is the KEY to a balanced foundation in life and it has given me the ability to not only get healthy, get in the best shape of my life, help my husband get in the best shape of HIS life but also quit my dead end waitress job of 10 years as well as realizing that I am capable of so much more.  This past year I also retired my husband from his corporate job and now we are both living the dream.  I realized that all I needed to pursue my dreams was freedom as well as a disposable income which is what Beachbody has provided for me and countless others. Read on…

Humans weren't created to live in cubicles & work 9-5

Humans weren’t created to live in cubicles & work 9-5

I truly feel that people don’t give up on this business for any reason other than they just don’t have the right vision for themselves.  They see what others are doing and want to do that but THAT isn’t THEM.  I have gotten really good at mentoring my coaches on figuring out what works best for THEM and we are on fire as a team. I’m going to share both my unedited notes & my exact notes that I read on the National Wake Up Call. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a call that Team Beachbody has every Monday morning for the network. It’s live for over 150K coaches all over the US & Canada as well as gets archived FOREVER. It was a big deal for me. Ever since I heard my first coach tell their success story on the call, I knew I wanted to be a success story with this business so I could be asked to be on that call.  I got the phone call last month and honestly didn’t sleep till the day of. The night before I maybe slept 30 minutes, I was just too excited!  It was such an honor and a privilege to be asked to speak and I couldn’t think of a better way to end 2013! All I know, is if I can do it…anybody can!

The world is your oyster.

The world is your oyster.

UNEDITED ROUGH DRAFT: Let me preface this by saying….this is LONG! 🙂 My husband feels like this is two or three different topics because I only have a few minutes to share. However, I feel like building a quality business isn’t as easy as 1, 2, 3…but when I asked my team what I should talk about a lot of what they said was that I’m really good at helping people find their why & that’s where I’d like to focus.  I feel like when people find their why, it can help them be a more authentic person on Facebook & social media & attract people to their business who are a better fit personality wise for their team & will stick around longer. So, I can talk about the GSR WHY which is the second part or being authentic through social media (but I feel like that’s been talked about but not in this context.) I’d be willing to talk about either one or both, so please give me whatever feedback you have to offer. Otherwise, I can just make the whole call about visualization, designing your life, finding your why & helping others realize theirs as stated below! Sorry it took me so long, this is a big deal for me & I want to make it helpful!

How to to find your why & help others find their why:

First, is the vision for yourself.  How do you attract people who share your vision & will help you carry it out? It’s starts with you. Are you doing your personal development? What are you sharing? Are you sharing your goals? Your triumphs? Your failures? This will help you build a team that is on the same path as you are. When you have a reason WHY you are doing this & you can help inspire others with it, you will start to see that you have common interests with the coaches you are recruiting. The better you get at communicating that with people, the more you will feel like you’re reconnecting with old friends rather than a stranger. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. It starts with you being willing to help paint the picture for people before they even reach out to you for help or before you contact them.

How do I do that? How do I share my vision? When YOU connect more with YOUR why, you can live it authentically. What does that mean? That means, that when you’re living your why or accomplishing what you set out to do & showing people that they can do it too, you are going to attract people who want to do that too.  This will attract quality enrollments to your team. With this year behind us & a new year in front of us, I’d really like for you to take a look at your vision & your design for how you want your life to go & if you are truly helping people see your vision or realize theirs through you.  For example, if you lost 5lbs & kicked soda…are you sharing that? Are you sharing how hard it’s been for you & you are proud of yourself & setting a new goal where people can see it? Did you use your Beachbody pay check to pay for your groceries? Are you truly sharing how that felt? Or are you just saying “I paid for my groceries with Beachbody, yay!” Are you telling a story around that & making a quality post about it? How proud of yourself are you? How did you do it? Are you inviting people to join you? Or, are you letting that opportunity to inspire someone, who couldn’t afford to get the more quality milk when they wanted pass you by? These little triumphs or big triumphs & stories are what will help you connect with people’s feelings & emotions. When you can elicit feelings & emotions from your followers, that’s when you start to make people think. Think about that.


What do I do once I have a coach recruited? How do I help them find their why? What if I don’t even have a why myself? How can I lead someone else if I don’t even know what I’m doing? Don’t over think this, you know how to help someone. It’s part of our DNA. It makes us feel good, all you have to focus on is building a dream.  When I was a new coach, I did google hangouts for all of my GSR calls because that’s what my sponsor did with me. It was uncomfortable & awkward but it really help me connect with my new team mate.  If it gets you out of your comfort zone, do it! Building that relationship right away is very important & hopefully you’re doing your GSR calls in the first few days of enrollment while they are excited & inspired! Even if they are a discount coach!!! I was a discount coach!! You can still plant seeds & get to know them if down the road they have amazing leadership skills.

Remember, take time to write their why down. It’s important you have it on hand in the case that they get discouraged or lose touch of their vision.  Not saying this works every time but usually you can help them understand that this isn’t going to be easy right off the bat & that they need to have short term & long term goals to achieve. Here are the questions you can ask after you go over the 3 vital behaviors on the 7-day quick start. I find that a lot of coaches make the mistake of using the GSR call to start training, this is NOT what you’re there for. The training is there, it’s in the coach basics, it’s all over YouTube & their coach online office.  You are their mentor. The business, they have to grow that on their own. Okay, then what? What do I say to them?

Question 1: Why did you become a coach?

Remember! Don’t just take an on the surface answer like “I want to quit my job” Okay, well, WHY do you want to quit your job? Are you tired of not having Holidays off? Having to ask to go to the bathroom? Request time off to see your family? Only have 2 weeks a year to vacation? Have the time & freedom to travel the world? Why?

After they say their answer, ask them “what else” at least two times. Ask them to tell you more, they may need some help with this & get stumped because they have never been asked to dream big before. This is not uncommon. This to me is our job – to enable people to connect with their dreams & live them out with this opportunity because I honestly feel that no matter what you want in life, Beachbody can offer that!

Question 2: What would you do with your life if you knew you couldn’t fail?

What would you do, if you could be self employed with a disposable income & made your own hours? Have you ever thought about what you’d do with a 6-figure salary & no boss? What if you only wanted to make $200-$500 a week? What would you do with the extra income? Pay off debt? Drop down to part time to pursue your dreams? Retire your husband? Quit your job? Be home full time with your kids? Buy the car of your dreams? You tell me, then listen & write down what they say….don’t forget to ask “what else.”

Usually people will not have even considered that this is an option, possibility or that THEY could do this-that Beachbody (this DVD & shake) could offer them all these things. So, you need to help them! This is your job as a mentor.  Most people will say “well, I don’t know! I’ve never thought about that!” or give you a generic answer that is not very inspiring. You need to help them dig deep & get below the surface, be courageous enough to turn over some rocks that have covered their dreams for year & years. It’s not unheard of that my GSR calls include crying because we’ve been told no most our lives & it hurts to go there. This is good. Two good books for people who have a problem dreaming big is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson or Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins.

At the end of every answer, I like to also ask them “how would that make you feel?” How would it FEEL if you could walk your kids to the bus? Be there for all their games? Have time & energy to be present in your own life? Meditate, do yoga, hike, explore, get massages, travel, go shopping, enjoy your life? Concentrate on your health & fitness? How would it feel to pick up on a whim & go on a vacation with your partner & not have to worry about money? Let’s talk about that.

I love doing visualization during GSR calls, so at some point I may or may not say “let’s do some visualization.” What did you want to do when you were a kid that you were told was impossible? That is wasn’t realistic & were forced into college or a job? What happened? Why aren’t you? How does that make you feel? What IF you could do what you’ve always wanted to do? What would a PERFECT day look like if you could design it?


Some other things that I find that are important if someone is really on a roll & getting fired up are the 3 keys to finding out what makes YOU tick & figuring out how to keep YOURSELF going long term. It’s very important to know how to motivate yourself because nobody is going to press play or build this business for you.  I know there’s a lot of new coaches listening & I want to help you as well.  You can write this down, share it with your team or just do it yourself after the call but I’m gong to share how I’d do it in a GSR call. This will help you achieve your goals in 2014.

1. Your priorities: Everyone has different priorities, so it’s important to help your new coaches figure that out & not assume they want what you have. Not everyone wants to be a top coach believe it or not, your success may actually demotivate them but if you help them see what’s important to THEM & let them know YOU will help them get there, this will help you & them know what to talk about on your weekly calls or google hangout.

2. Long term & Short term goals: During your GSR call, you can use their why to help them set goals. For example: If their goal is to cover their Shakeology in that first month, you help them set concrete steps to take immediately following the call. You want them to feel equipped & energized after talking to you, not like they just got out of class. It is your job to be a beacon of hope, not their professor. Help them make a list of 30 people, have them make a status update right there & then on the GSR calll, see how many friends they have & tell them to start reaching out to all of them & start FORMing & inviting. If it’s to quit their job, ask them how much they make & help them see how much a week they need to be making to do that. Set realistic expectations for what they should be making in 3, 6, 9, 12 months & get help them earn a paycheck right away. Tasting success in the first 30 days if very important! Let them know, they need to get into action immediately.

3. Motivation: What motivates them? Everyone is motivated by something different. Like Dani Johnson says “what motivates, motivates!” When you are asking these questions, make sure you are writing down their answers so on days where they may have lost their vision, you can remind them. This, is your responsibility as a coach. Not to work their business for them but to help them stay the course.  Or, have them make a video in your first month of coach basics talking about their why & why they started so you can have them re-watch that! You can also ask them “what motivates you?” Is it having fun? Success? Making money? Freedom? This will help you understand what makes them tick. Some people could care less about recognition so if that’s all you’re doing to motivate your team, you’re going to lose a few along the way.

Remember, that stories are what’s inspiring & shows people it can be done. Make sure they know to get to events, perhaps after the call you find a success story to share with them about another coach that has accomplished their goals that are similar to your new coach & plug them into a coach basics group. I always ask at the end if they want to make a little or a lot? I ask them what they want from me as a mentor. I let them know that it’s up to them to make this happen & I am here for them but to look elsewhere for answers. I ask if they want me to push them or if they need more time focusing on their health? This helps me & them decide what they want & let’s me know where they are at. We set their 30 day & 60 day goals during that first call as well because I truly believe if you set the bar high, people will rise to it!

Enjoying a daily summer hike in the Pacific Northwest

Enjoying a daily summer hike in the Pacific Northwest


I REALLY want to preface this by saying that in this national wake up call I am going to talk quick, so take out a pen & paper . I also want to really drill in the importance of being true to yourself & YOUR why and not anybody elses. Shut out the noise around you & remember that you simply cannot give away what you do not have.

I am going to start by giving you guys the 3 keys to what I believe is the formula to find your passion & why power. You have to be able to generate the fire from within yourself every day to continue reaching your big dreams & goals. These 3 keys are going to help YOU find out what makes YOU tick & figure out how to keep YOURSELF going long term. It’s very important to know how to motivate yourself because nobody is going to press play or build this business for you. & in turn, you’ll be able to pay it forward to your team. Next, I am going to talk to you about how to then enable others & help your new coaches find their why. You can’t have one without the other – in my opinion, so here we go:


  1. Your Priorities: Yours & nobody elses, everyone has different priorities & I think that coaches tend to get distracted by what OTHERS are doing instead of focusing on what needs to get done in their lives. Not everyone wants to be a top coach, so if you’re shooting for that & it doesn’t align with your priorities eventually you wont see the point of what you’re doing anymore. What takes precedence over your life? Is it yours kids, traveling, getting out of debt, spending time with your spouse? Find at least 5 things that are a priority to you. For me, it’s freedom & myself. I really hope you are your top priority because if you’re not happy, the people around you probably wont be either.


  1. Your Motivations: What motivates you? Everyone is motivated by something d different, usually stemming from their personality type. Dani Johnson says “what motivates, motivates.” The most unique things an motivate an individual. I get motivated simply by looking out the window, goals motivate me, income, helping others but I am mostly motivated by fun & accomplishing what I set out to do. So, what motivates you? Is it having fun? Success? Freedom? Looking good in a bikini? This will help you understand what makes you tick. If you don’t care about recognition, find other ways to motivate yourself.


  1. Long term & Short term goals: Set goals that you know you are going to achieve & goals that will take some work. That way, you have a sense of accomplishment. A good one to start with is covering the monthly cost of your Shakeology the first month. Hitting Emerald in 30 days or even something personal like not missing your daily workouts & drinking enough water. Make sure you are setting personal, financial, physical & even emotional goals. That way you have more ways to track that you are moving forward in your life. Then, set long term goals. Always set a date along with it. Is it to go Diamond? Quit your job? Get new tires for your car? Whatever it is, set a few of them (at least 5) so you can start working towards them with your new found passion to succeed.


Now that you’re being true to yourself & sharing all that you have set out to do, you are going to start attracting people who want to do what you’re doing too! How do we convert these people into quality enrollments? The key is to help them find their why or at least start to really think about it in that first 30 days by having a Getting Started Right Call with them (GSR) – remember to write down their answers to have on hand if they get discouraged. I’m not saying this works every time but usually you can help them remember their why along the way. First we go over the 3-vital behaviors & then I get to the meat of it. I think a huge mistake coaches make is thinking we are here to train our new recruits & in fact, we are here to help enable them to find THEIR potential. I have two questions that I would focus on during this phone call & I hope you’re taking notes. Here are examples of the questions I ask while going over the 7-Day Quickstart.


Question 1: Why did you become a coach? Don’t accept on the surface answers like “I want to quit my job.” or “I want to lose some weight.” Press on saying “WHY do you want to quit your job? How would it feel if you lost all the weight? Are you tired of not having the Holidays off? Having to miss your kids events? Not having time for yourself? Requesting time off? WHY? These are a couple examples, there are a million questions you can ask. After they answer I always say “okay, what else.” Then help them explore that further, most people have never even considered the possibilities so help them see tthem! It is not uncommon for people to be stumped, HELP THEM by enabling them to see the opportunity this business offers.


Question 2: What would you do with your life if you didn’t have to go to work or worry about money? Usually people have never even considered this & will be totally stumped by it, that’s okay & to be expected. Be courageous enough to turn over some big scary rocks that have been covering their dreams by asking questions like “What would you do if you could be self employed? What if you had a disposable income & made your own hours? Have you ever thought about what you’d do with a 6-figure salary & no boss? What would you do with the extra income? Pay off debt? Quit your job? Be home full time with your kids? You tell me, then listen & write down their answers. You don’t need to ask all these questions the way I just presented them to you but these are the type of questions I ask to get the juices flowing.


My newly retired husband with his new dream truck.

When I figured out MY why and who I really was, it really helped me to tap into MY unique passions and help my team really explore what THEY want out of this. It’s enabled me to be steadfast with who I am and what I want out of MY life as well as the message I am sending to MY followers. I have seen a huge shift in the last 6 months from my business because of this discovery and I want to encourage everyone listening to plug & play. The first few calls may be uncomfortable but the more you do it, the better you’ll get at it and I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. Never give up on your dreams. Thanks for tuning in.

 EMAIL ME AT AMYSILVERMANFITNESS@GMAIL if you’re ready to take the same leap I did 3 years ago…